Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Introduction to my Blog

This is the first blog I have tried, I do not know if I am doing it correctly or not, let's press on and find out.
I have cancer.
There, that's a start.
I wear skirts.
press on...

I have made a decision that I do not want to hide my love of wearing clothes that most males do not wear. I step back from saying wearing women's clothes because I do wear skirts that were made for men. It is a distinction that is becoming clearer, men can wear skirts and dresses and still be men. I do like occasionally to go the whole hog and dress up to the nines for a special occasion, a party or suchlike, but what I am talking about here is everyday wear. I want to use this as a scratchpad for my experiences of a man wearing skirts.

I have worn women's clothes for a very long time, but kept it secret. Gradually over the years it has been less secret and now most of my friends know me as Ian who likes to wear skirts. But now, as I am 2 months or so into living with a cancer, that they don't think can be cured, I see the time is right to live my own way, not be afraid, and to switch my lifestyle to something that I am more comfortable with. I do not know how much time I have left on this planet so the rest is me time.

It will probably be a mixture of events related to my cancer treatments and how it is affecting me and experiences I have of being out in public skirted. I don't know yet, let's see. Anyway enough for now.

Do I hit that publish button?

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